-Cross-genre appeal: Set at a momentous period in British history, Talland House combines a detective story with romance and historical literary fiction in a story with echoes of the present moment.
-Strong author platform: As a leading international Woolf author, Humm has an established fan base with Woolf and Bloomsbury readers worldwide, has given a number of public talks at leading British and European art galleries (Tate, National Portrait Gallery, National Gallery of Art, Krakow) and bookshops (Hatchards the Queen’s bookshop), and has made appearances on TV (France Arte) and radio (France Culture, BBC 4, World Service).
-Prize shortlists: Talland House has been short-listed for four prizes: the Impress and Fresher Fiction (as Who Killed Mrs. Ramsay? ), and Retreat West and Eyelands.
-Blurbs from award-winning authors: Lauren Elkin, author of Flâneuse, and Annabel Abbs, author of The Joyce Girl, have both already blurbed the book.